To begin, please authorize us to retrieve your character data from Blizzard.
Sign in with your Blizzard account
We are a progression raiding focused guild on US Mal'Ganis. We raid 2 days a week, 8 hours total. Our raid days are Tuesday and Thursday, from 8pm to Midnight EST (7pm to 11pm CST/server). Starting in Shadowlands, we will be adding one or two extra raid days to the first week of Mythic raid release. Most likely Wednesday and maybe Monday. This is only for the first week.
You start by clicking the button above log in with your Blizzard account. You will be redirected to and asked to authorize us to receive your BattleTag and character data.
Once you are back on our site, you will be asked to select the character you are applying with.
Then you will be asked to sign in with your Discord account to authorize our Discord bot, RecruitBot, to automate your application on our Discord server. The only permissions we ask for from Discord is to see your Discord username (e.g. Nickname#1234) and to be able to automatically connect you to our Discord server.
From there, our RecruitBot will connect you to our Discord server, a new private channel will be created just for you and our raiders, and your character details posted. Character name, realm, item level, progression history, notable achievements, Warcraft Logs parses, geared alts you may have, and more will be automatically pulled and posted.
And finally, you'll be asked to answer a few questions. Please answer them as our members review the rest of your app.
If we like what we see, we'll pull you into a voice channel and talk over your app. We'll ask you a few more questions and we'll see if we're a good fit for each other.
All new raiders are placed on a Trial rank. It's an organizzational rank for the guild to see who is new. Trials are not restricted on loot.
During progression, the average trial period is 4 weeks. We want to see you on a hard boss during progression to evaluate you.
During farm, the trial period is more nebulous. Your trial could last one month if there are enough challenges in the farm content to evaluate you. Or we might wait until we see you on the next progression content. While we try to avoid that, sometimes it's unavoidable. Especially around the end of an expansion. But please remember, our trials face no restrictions on loot. There's no impact to someone staying on trial status for an extended period.We use a loot council system with RC Loot Council. Main > Side > Off > Xmog. Typically if you loot an item, as long as no one "needs" the item on a higher priority, you will get the item. For example if you loot boots and you put Main, you're going to get them. If you loot bracers, put Side on them and 4 other raiders put Main, it's going to go to the other raiders.
Rarely there are exceptions. Usually trinkets that are exponentially better for one class than anyone else. When this happens, we make it known clearly that we are prioritizing that item to certain players.
Yes. You must have: